TeraChem 1.93P Linux x64

TeraChem 1.93P Linux x64

Published on: 2021-12-09 02:09:12

Categories: 12



TeraChem is the first computational chemistry software written entirely from scratch to benefit from new processors such as GPUs. The computational algorithms are fully designed to take advantage of the huge overlap of CUDA enabled Nvidia GPUs. The main development began at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Due to the high potential of the technology developed, this software accelerated the subsequent GPU commercialization. PetaChem is dedicated to the empowerment of quantum chemistry and the first dynamics of principles for molecular materials and biological molecules. Their focus is speed, and they do so by redesigning modern algorithms for processors such as NVIDIA’s CUDA-enabled GPU architecture. Initial molecular dynamics simulation (1ps) is performed using TeraChem on the desktop.

Features and Features of TeraChem:

required system  

System requirements : GNU / Linux x86_64, GPU with CUDA capability 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 3.7, or 5.0



Installation guide

Listed in Readme file.

Version 1.93 does not require activation.

download link

Download TeraChem_1.93P Linux64

File password (s): www.abc.com


474 MB

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