Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer Certification. This course prepares you to pass the Python Entry-Level Programmer (PCEP) exam. By passing this course, you will have a solid foundation in the fundamental concepts of the Python programming language. This certification is the first step to entering the professional world of Python programming. This comprehensive, step-by-step training course covers all the topics required to pass the PCEP exam. Using practical examples and various exercises, you can understand the concepts well and strengthen your skills.
What you will learn:
- Data Types in Python: You will be introduced to the different data types in Python and learn how to work with them.
- Control Structures: You will learn how to control program flow using conditional statements and loops.
- Datasets: You work with data structures such as lists, tuples, and dictionaries.
- Preparing the environment: Familiarizing yourself with the tools and environments required for programming with Python
- Fundamental Concepts: Familiarity with basic programming concepts such as variables, operators, and comments
- Number Systems and Numeric Operators: Understand different number systems and how to perform mathematical operations in Python.
- Input and output: How to take input from the user and display output in the program
- Strings: Working with strings, operations on strings, and calculations with strings
- Lists: Definition and use of lists, operations on lists
- Tuples: Definition and use of tuples, difference between tuples and lists
- Dictionaries: Definition and use of dictionaries, operations on dictionaries
- Conditions: Using conditional statements to make decisions in the program
- Loops: Using loops to repeat operations
- Functions Basics: Defining and Using Functions
- Generators: Understanding the concept of generators and how to use them
- Variable Scope: Understanding the concept of variable scope in programming
- Functions and Generators: You will learn how to define and use functions and generators.
This course is suitable for people who:
- They want to start programming with Python.
- Are planning to take the PCEP exam.
- Are looking to increase their programming skills.
- Are interested in learning basic programming concepts.