Nevron Vision for .NET 2018.1 Build Ultimate

Nevron Vision for .NET 2018.1 Build Ultimate

Published on: 2022-03-22 15:54:57

Categories: 23



Nevron Vision for .NET is a component that allows you to graphically visualize different aspects of data performance. With this component you will be able to view all your data on different charts and graphs. The components in the Nevron Vision for .NET package allow you to display your information in two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphical form. In addition, the toolbox and toolbox will allow you to display information to your liking. With this component you can display charts in WinForms , WPF, ASP.NET and MVC. With this component you can create charts of business, scientific, financial or presentational integrated dashboards or Business Intelligence solutions.

Nevron Vision for .NET Features and Features:

– Using an API   To Development Web Apps And desktop

– Excellent hardware performance   Charts and charts 2D And 3D .

   Complete set of 2D chart types And 3D ( Support 170 chart types ).

– Complete set of Gauges and KPIs.

– Chart Model Axis  Floor Linear , Logarithmic , Time and Axis Time line Advanced .

– Functions Financial And Pre-made statistics .

– No interference data And Tags Axis .

– Ability to resize charts and   Support   docking , anchoring , And so on .

– Data connection

– Enlargement of data ,   Information Panning , Axis , Scrolling tooltips .

Types of Charts Available in Nevron Vision for .NET:

Bar & Column-Line, Smooth Line (Spline), Step Line-Area, Smooth Area Series-Pie-Point-Bubble-Stock-Kagi-Renko-Point and Figure-Three Line Break-Float Bar (also called Gantt) -Radar -Polar-High Low-Mesh Surface-Grid Surface-Triangulated Surface-Shape-Venn-Error Bar-Funnel-Box and Whiskers-Line Studies-Vector Charts-Range Charts-Combo Charts-Custom Series-Tree Map-Heat Map

Nevron Vision for .NET new set of changes and features   From   Here   Visible .

Nevron Vision for .NET Program Tips:

– Use the existing serial to license it after installing the program.

– Make sure you get a copy of your Visual Studio.

required system

Visual Studio 2005

Visual Studio 2008

Visual Studio 2010

Visual Studio 2012

Visual Studio 2013

Visual Studio 2015

Visual Studio 2017


Nevron Vision for .NET

Installation guide

After installing the application, use the existing serial to license it.

download link

Download Nevron_Vision_for_.NET_2018.1_Build_18.12.10.12_Ultimate_Retail

File password (s): www.abc.com


274 MB

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