Published on: 2021-08-19 16:22:35
Categories: 23
LiveXAML is a programming tool in Xamarin form. With this tool you can view a preview of the instantaneous changes in your monitor as you make changes to your writing code. This tool is considered a development tool. You are able to debug the program you are writing at the same time and fix your software bugs.
The LiveXAML tool has no limitations on the code and your use of this tool’s library, and you can make full use of it. It’s very simple to use and you don’t need to configure additional configuration except for the initial installation.
Operating Systems
Windows 10
Windows 8 / 8.1
Windows 7
Remember to install NuGet packages to run this tool perfectly. Visual Studio 2017 software has this extension and if you use it you do not need to install it.
Download LiveXaml for Xamarin Forms v1.8.3
Download LiveXAML_1.7.5 for Xamarin Forms
153 KB
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