Published on: 2024-10-10 18:47:45
Categories: 23
Liquid XML Studio XML Editor is an advanced and robust code. This app have features such as a graphical editor code, XML and Askymahay XSD, of standards of the W3C, integration with programming environments such as Visual Studio, syntax highlighting code, XML, facilities Rfktvrnyg, comparability files, xml, useful tools for working with documents, xml and … but one of the best editors is XML. It\’s all what you need to work with XML documents as well.
Liquid XML Studio is supported on Windows 2000 SP4, Window XP SP2, Vista and Windows 7 (all versions).
It requires .Net Framework 2.0 (SP2) , Windows Installer 3.1 & MSXML 6.0 (all of which are installed if not already present).
It should also run on Windows 2003 Server & Windows 2008 Server, but these are not supported platforms.
The Readme.txt file in the folder Crack is available.
Download Liquid_Studio_2020
143 MB
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