Published on: 2024-09-22 19:34:52
Categories: 28
NestJS GraphQL – Schema-first approach, Get up to speed with the GraphQL Schema-first approach with NestJS. Master GraphQL fundamentals and essentials concepts behind creating your own enterprise-grade GraphQL applications. Prepare for an in-depth guided course & walk-through of GraphQL fundamentals and the GraphQL Schema-first approach for NestJS applications from the Creator Kamil Mysliwiec himself, and Mark Pieszak (Core Team Member).
GraphQL Schema-first Course Overview
Introduction to GraphQL with NestJS
Code First vs Schema First
Creating our first GraphQL Application
Prerequisite: Install Insomnia
Introduction to Resolvers and Object Types
GraphQL Schemas, Types, and Scalars
Passing Arguments: Returning a Coffee by ID
Manipulating Data with Mutations
Using GraphQL Variables
Creating a Service
Connecting to a Database with TypeOrm
Using Repository to Access Database
Adding Update and Delete Mutations
Auto-validate Input Data
Adding Relation to two Entities
Using Field Resolvers
Understanding Custom Scalar Types
Using GraphQL Interfaces
Unions and Enums
Real-time Updates with Subscriptions
Batching and Caching with Data Loader
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158 MB
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