Published on: 2020-03-16 19:46:40
Categories: 28
Let\’s Build A Forum with Laravel and TDD Laracasts training site is how to create a forum for dialogue by Laravel framework explains. Laravel an open source PHP framework for building web applications based on the MVC are used. Forum or forums of dialogue can have different features and developing them challenging for many programmers. Topics and answers make up the core of a forum such as the ability to share, filtered, and bulletin Ryltaym can be a forum for dialogue more attractive.
In the course of building an online forum with PHP language can be fully explained. Lecturer in the course of the Laravel framework and test-driven development method used in making the forum and you are familiar with PHP programming. This course settings to set up a complete database covers all sectors forum for you to be taught step by step. If you are interested in PHP programming or you want to learn how to build a professional forum this time will bring interesting topics for you.
1 7:59 EPISODE
Initial Database Setup With Seeding
2 9:26 EPISODE
Test-Driving Threads
3 9:09 EPISODE
A Thread Replies Can Have
4 17:39 EPISODE
A User May Respond to Threads
5 5:14 EPISODE
The Reply Form
6 6:13 EPISODE
A User May Publish Threads
7 5:43 EPISODE
Let\’s Make Some Testing Helpers
8 7:54 EPISODE
The Exception Handling Conundrum
9 of 14:12 EPISODE
A Thread Should Be Assigned a Channel
10 10:41 EPISODE
How to Test Validation Errors
11 of 13:25 EPISODE
Users Can Filter Threads By Channel
12 8:24 EPISODE
Validation Errors and Old Data
13 3:00 EPISODE
Extracting to View Composers
14 7:37 EPISODE
A User Can Filter All Threads By Username
15 18:47 EPISODE
A Lesson in Refactoring
16 9:19 EPISODE
Meta Details and Pagination
17 11:51 EPISODE
A User Can Filter Threads By Popularity
18 15:46 EPISODE
A User Can Replies Favorite
19 7:37 EPISODE
The Favorite Button
20 7:06 EPISODE
From 56 Queries Down to 2
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