Published on: 2020-03-19 21:42:18
Categories: 23
Ionic Mobile App Builder or IMA is a web-based tool that helps you build an Android mobile app. The components use the Ionic and Cordova frameworks along with the combined Ionic Material plugins. Data storage is WordPress REST-API and is also capable of creating WordPress plugins automatically. You can also use other storage media such as Firefox, WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, RSS and other content management systems.
– Apache / XAMPP / WAMPP / LAMPP (localhost) or cPanel / Hosting (Very suitable to use XAMPP + PHP5.6.x)
– PHP 5.6.x or latest
– Disk Free Space 100MB
– zlib extension or php zip, gd, ImageMagick
Compiler and Publish to market (outside our service)
– Android SDK for android or Xcode (Required Mac Hardware) for iOS
– JDK8
– NodeJS and NPM
– Ionic or Cordova
Read the Readme.txt file.
Download Ionic_Mobile_App_Builder_v18.12.10_NULLED
21 MB
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