Published on: 2021-04-17 19:52:30
Categories: 28
Frontend Masters – Svelte is the name of a Svelte training course. Svelte is a framework with which you can build high-performance web applications. This course is a sufficient introduction to this framework.
Publisher: FrontendMasters
Instructor: Rich Harris
Language: English
Level: Introductory to Advanced
Number of Courses: 44
Duration: 4 hours and 47 minutes
Svelte Overview
why svelte
svelte basics
data reactivity
if else blocks
each keyed each blocks
asynchronous await blocks
Binding & Lifecycle
input template binding
media dimension binding
this component binding
onmount ondestroy lifecycle
beforeupdate afterupdate tick
Stores & Animation
stores derived state
custom stores store bindings
adding motion with easing spring
custom transitions events
local deferred transitions
animations actions
Classes & Components
classes directive
composing components with slots
context api
special elements
modules context for sharing code
creating a svelte app from scratch
Building an Application
building an application frame
creating the welcome screen
creating categories navigation
fetching api data
Building the Game
creating the game screen
game layout buttons
wiring up interactivity
game activity display
game completion state
displaying game data
polishing ui adding transitions
adding meta
making an installable pwa
server rendering in sapper
Wrapping Up
wrapping up
After Extract, watch with your favorite Player.
English subtitle
Quality: 1080p
1.6 GB
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