Published on: 2022-07-30 19:19:44
Categories: 28
JavaScript The Recent Parts, name of the training video series in the field learning the skills of web programming can be. In fact, in this course you will begin to learn the skills of programming language javascript you’ll. You to thanks to this course, with most new features added in Java Script will be familiar. In fact, course, you for those users that JavaScript are familiar and want your knowledge to help the course update to.
What you have in this course with the face it’ll be the latest capabilities of JavaScript coding would be. Learning parameter, such as iterators, etc. generators, etc. regex improvements, etc. async, etc, including the new features that this course taught you will be. Remember that this course is a foundation course is not merely to impart the latest skills java script is released. This course is for programmers, the sphere of the web that are going to be your skills improve, etc. is also recommended.
4 lectures
6 lectures
Array Destructuring
7 lectures
Object Destructuring
7 lectures
Further Destructuring
4 lectures
Array Methods
2 lectures
Iterators & Generators
6 lectures
Regular Expressions
5 lectures
Async Await
7 lectures
1 lecture
After the Extract with the Player your custom view.
Subtitles: English
Quality: 1080p
On October 22, 2020 the subtitle version was replaced.
1.71 GB
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