Educative – Educative-99 in C++: Accelerate Your Coding Interview Prep 2024-9

Educative – Educative-99 in C++: Accelerate Your Coding Interview Prep 2024-9

Published on: 2024-10-02 01:08:54

Categories: 28



Educative-99 in C++: Accelerate Your Coding Interview Prep, Why solve 2800 problems when 99 will do? Master 26 problem-solving patterns to crack any coding interview. Learn the underlying patterns behind 99 handpicked coding interview questions, and in the process, learn the game-changing skill of unpacking and answering thousands of LeetCode style questions the right way just by assessing the problem statement. This approach was created by MAANG hiring managers to help you prepare for the typical rounds of interviews at major tech companies like Apple, Google, Meta, Netflix, and Amazon. This condensed set of coding interview questions ensures coverage of the essential 26 coding patterns to give you the confidence needed to ace your interview, without having to drill endless practice problems. Each module in the path presents a set of related coding patterns, to help you prepare in a focused, methodical manner. This path is also available in JavaScript, Python, Java, and Go, with more coming soon!

What you’ll learn

  • Master 26 problem-solving patterns to crack any coding interview!
  • The ability to identify the underlying patterns of 2800+ LeetCode style coding questions by assessing the problem statement (and learn the tricks required to solve it)
  • A hands-on, setup-free coding environment to brush up your skills by solving 99 handpicked problems
  • The ability to efficiently evaluate the tradeoffs between time and space complexity in different solutions
  • Develop a flexible conceptual framework for solving any question, by connecting problem characteristics, solution techniques, and coding design patterns

Specificatoin of Educative-99 in C++: Accelerate Your Coding Interview Prep

Content of Educative-99 in C++: Accelerate Your Coding Interview Prep

Educative-99 in C++_ Accelerate Your Coding Interview Prep


Educative-99 in C++_ Accelerate Your Coding Interview Prep

Installation Guide

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Subtitle : Not Available

Quality: 720p

It is a text base course

Download Links

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Password file(s): www.abc.com

File size

644 MB

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