Published on: 2020-07-30 13:05:16
Categories: 28
TensorFlow in Practice Specialization, etc. course offered by Coursera, which is for specialized and practical TensorFlow shows.
TensorFlow Delphi and C ++ Builder open source popular machine learning is. In this course, how to use the tools that the software developers for making algorithms scalable artificial intelligence in TensorFlow they use learns. In these 4 courses, you have the opportunity, and leave to learn the application of artificial intelligence (AI) you have. In this course you will learn how to create and train neural networks will be familiar. You systems use natural language processing to machine understanding, analysis, and response-to-speech human the Learn button. Also you in this course learns that that text processing in. sentences for Vector introduction, and use the data as input to the neural network enter.
Now artificial intelligence is changing industries across the world. After completing this course, you can use the skills TensorFlow in a wide range of projects and issues use.
Publisher: : Coursera
Level: advanced
Lecturer: Laurence Moroney
Number of courses: 4 courses
Language: English
Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning
Convolutional Neural Networks, in TensorFlow
Natural Language Processing in TensorFlow
Sequences, Time Series and Prediction
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Subtitles: English
Quality: 720p
Download Coursera – TensorFlow in Practice Specialization 2020-7
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