Coursera – Risk Management Specialization 2024-10

Coursera – Risk Management Specialization 2024-10

Published on: 2024-10-17 22:14:54

Categories: 28



Risk Management Specialization, This 4-course Specialization from the New York Institute of Finance (NYIF) is intended for STEM undergraduates, finance practitioners, bank and investment managers, business managers, regulators, and policymakers. This Specialization will teach you how to measure, assess, and manage risk in your organization. By the end of the Specialization, you will understand how to establish a risk management process using various frameworks and strategies provided throughout the program. This program is intended for those who have an understanding of the foundations of Risk Management at a beginner level. To successfully complete the exercises within the program, you should have a basic knowledge of statistics and probability and familiarity with financial instruments (stocks, bonds, foreign exchange, etc). Experience with MS Excel recommended. Learners will complete a project in the third course covering the estimation and analysis of risk in a globally diversified equity portfolio. The portfolio will include allocations of equity indexes from the U.S., Japan, Hong Kong, and Germany. Data for the two years prior to March 2020 will be used to convert daily returns in each indexes’ currency into dollar returns. Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall for the portfolio will be calculated using an equal-weighted sample and an exponentially weighted sample. Learners will then be given a new 2-year data set that includes the market data through August of 2020. They will be asked to re-evaluate risk for the portfolio using Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall.

What you’ll learn

Specificatoin of Risk Management Specialization

Content of Risk Management Specialization

Risk Management Specialization



Risk Management Specialization

Sample Clip

Installation Guide

Extract the files and watch with your favorite player

Subtitle : English

Quality: 720p

Download Links

Introduction to Risk Management

Download – 373 MB

Credit Risk Management: Frameworks and Strategies

Download – 642 MB

Market Risk Management: Frameworks & Strategies

Download – 453 MB

Operational Risk Management: Frameworks & Strategies

Download – 157 MB

Password file(s): www.abc.com

File size

1.58 GB

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