Coursera – Kotlin for Java Developers 2020-9

Coursera – Kotlin for Java Developers 2020-9

Published on: 2020-09-12 12:00:40

Categories: 28



Kotlin for Java Developers is a Kotlin programming language course for Java developers . Kotlin language is a modern programming language that gives you the power to execute many tasks . It is a concise, safe and efficient language and is specifically designed to collaborate with Java code. It can be used anywhere in Java, such as server-Side development or Android applications . Kotlin is 100% compatible with all current Java frameworks, and Java developers can easily and quickly become fluent in this language . In addition to compiling with jvm ( java virtual machine), Kotlin also has the possibility to compile with JavaScript and natively, but the focus of this course is on Kotlin and JVM cooperation .

This course is provided by JetBrains, which is Kotlin\\\’s own language designer . The purpose of this course is to familiarize you with the strength and beauty of this language . This course first gives you a general overview of Kotlin and then examines and educates many of the uses and uses of this language . This course specifically deals with Kotlin\\\’s collaboration with Java and is based on your experience of Java . All similarities and then differences between Kotlin and Java are examined by this training package . Syntax base, nullability, function-driven programming, Kotlin standard libraries and specifically collaboration with Java are among the topics of this educational suite . It should be noted that this course does not address the training of the basics of programming .

Specifications of Kotlin for Java Developers

Publisher: Coursera
Lecturer : Svetlana Isakova, Andrey Breslav
Language: English
Training level: Medium
Quantity: 5 Periods
Duration of course: approximately 25 hours


  1. Introduction
  2. Starting up with Kotlin
  3. Nullability, Functional Programming
  4. Properties, OOP, Conventions
  5. Sequences, Lambdas with Receiver, Types




Kotlin for Java Developers

Sample movie

Installation guide

After the Extract with the Player your custom view.

Subtitles: English

Quality: 720p

Download link

Download Coursera – Kotlin for Java Developers 2020-9

Password file(s): www.abc.com

File size

651 MB

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