Published on: 2020-09-12 12:00:40
Categories: 28
Kotlin for Java Developers is a Kotlin programming language course for Java developers . Kotlin language is a modern programming language that gives you the power to execute many tasks . It is a concise, safe and efficient language and is specifically designed to collaborate with Java code. It can be used anywhere in Java, such as server-Side development or Android applications . Kotlin is 100% compatible with all current Java frameworks, and Java developers can easily and quickly become fluent in this language . In addition to compiling with jvm ( java virtual machine), Kotlin also has the possibility to compile with JavaScript and natively, but the focus of this course is on Kotlin and JVM cooperation .
This course is provided by JetBrains, which is Kotlin\\\’s own language designer . The purpose of this course is to familiarize you with the strength and beauty of this language . This course first gives you a general overview of Kotlin and then examines and educates many of the uses and uses of this language . This course specifically deals with Kotlin\\\’s collaboration with Java and is based on your experience of Java . All similarities and then differences between Kotlin and Java are examined by this training package . Syntax base, nullability, function-driven programming, Kotlin standard libraries and specifically collaboration with Java are among the topics of this educational suite . It should be noted that this course does not address the training of the basics of programming .
Publisher: Coursera
Lecturer : Svetlana Isakova, Andrey Breslav
Language: English
Training level: Medium
Quantity: 5 Periods
Duration of course: approximately 25 hours
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Subtitles: English
Quality: 720p
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