Published on: 2024-08-09 09:30:59
Categories: 28
IBM Data Analyst Professional Certificate, etc., set of 8 different course for the acquisition of skills necessary for the job analysis data, which is using it, you can work in the market analysis of the data (that by the year 2028 growth of 20% will experience) a better place in mind. Job analysis data of your with the principles of analytics data strengthen the skills and practical business. You with the wide variety of tank Data, different scenarios and tools for analysis of data includes, Excel, and…, SQL, etc., Python., the Jupyter Notebooks and Cognos Analytics and apply the techniques of analysis will be familiar. This course to any programming experience or skill statistical don’t need the previous and to students that a college degree or have not the time is right. All that to start, you need to do, literacy, basic computer, mathematics, high school, work with numbers, as the desire to learn and a desire to strengthen your profile skills with the value of the industry.
No specialized background or degree is needed. However, you are expected to have basic computer literacy, high-school level mathematics, and be comfortable working with numbers.
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Subtitles: English – Persian
Quality: 720p
This training consists of 9 different course.
Introduction to Data Analytics
Excel Basics for Data Analysis
Data Visualization and Dashboards with Excel and Cognos
Python for Data Science, AI & Development
Python Project for Data Science
Databases and SQL for Data Science with Python
Data Analysis with Python
Data Visualization with Python
IBM Data Analyst Capstone Project
Generative AI Enhance your Data Analytics Career
Data Analyst Career Guide and Interview Preparation
1.99 GB
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