Published on: 2024-04-03 15:58:53
Categories: 28
AI for Medicine Specialization course in the field of artificial intelligence in medical science. Artificial intelligence (intelligence machine) in computer science to IQ, it is said that by the cars can be shown. Artificial intelligence to help us that use the commands that the car can give intelligence of it similar to human intelligence ready to learn and solve problems in various fields, we can. Currently the artificial intelligence in the field of Science, Medicine, also used quite a lot, and the doctors helps the disease to be more exact recognize. In the training set AI for Medicine Specialization, with the cases, the use of artificial intelligence in the medical industry completely will be familiar.
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Subtitles: English
Quality: 720p
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This training includes 3 course is.
Version 2024/1 compared to 2020/6 has not changed in the number of lessons and duration, but 109 text files have been added.
AI for Medical Diagnosis
AI for Medical Prognosis
AI For Medical Treatment
772 MB
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