Code with Mosh – The Ultimate Redux Course 2020-5

Code with Mosh – The Ultimate Redux Course 2020-5

Published on: 2020-05-02 12:14:50

Categories: 28



The Ultimate Redux Course, name of the training video series in the field of Knowledge Development and programming. In fact, in this course, you with the newest techniques in the world in the field of manufacturing and software development, Smart will be familiar. Whatever you to build and development of advanced software to help Library Redux need, from basic level to advanced, you will be trained. Also, in the course of telling tips unnecessary abstinence, the students, to the fastest possible educational materials to learn.

You will in this course learn how to clean most forms coding your do. This theme helps you with Learn learning this period, you have the lowest error in the programming of your mind. In this period, it also projects a real and fully functional item analysis and training is located. Thus, you do such projects programming skills improve your want on a shoestring budget. At the end of this course you will be able to help the library Redux a variety of applications to create session.

Cases in which the course is taught:

Profile course The Ultimate Redux Course :

This course The Ultimate Redux Course

Getting Started (7m)
5 lectures

Functional Programming in JavaScript (42m)
16 lectures

Redux Fundamentals (37m)
13 lectures

Building Redux from Scratch (12m)
5 lectures

Debugging Redux Applications (15m)
6 lectures

Writing Clean Redux Code (Cap 34m)
10 lectures

Designing the Store (30m)
9 lectures

Middleware (20m)
7 lectures

Consuming APIs (1h)
15 lectures

Testing Redux Applications (73m)
14 lectures

Integration with React (31m)

9 Lectures

Prerequisite course The Ultimate Redux Course


The Ultimate Redux Course

Sample movie

Installation guide

After the Extract with the Player your custom view.

Subtitles: English

Quality: 1080p


Version 2020/5 compared to 2020/4 number 1 Season (9 Lessons) added, and the subtitles total the courses added together.

Download link

Price is 5 Euro. Contact us for payment

Password file(s): www.abc.com

File size

7.30 GB

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