Code with Antonio – Build a Jira clone 2024-10

Code with Antonio – Build a Jira clone 2024-10

Published on: 2024-10-24 00:30:46

Categories: 28



Build a Jira clone, In this 16-hour tutorial split in two parts (my longest ever btw!) you will learn how to create an end-to-end fullstack Jira clone, all with workspaces, project / epics, tasks, kanban boards, calendars, editing and deleting tasks, invite system, role-based access control system, image uploads, analytics, authentication and more!

What you’ll learn

Specificatoin of Build a Jira clone

Content of Build a Jira clone

1. Intro
2. Project setup
3. Adding a component library
4. Customizing components
5. Resolving lint errors
6. Creating auth screens
7. Setting up Hono API
8. Creating auth API
9. Setting up Appwrite Database
10. Building a session middleware
11. Learning how to protect routes
12. Building a dashboard layout
13. Building a workspace form
14. Handling image upload
15. Creating a workspace switcher
16. Creating workspace members
17. Building a responsive modal
18. Building a standalone layout
19. Building workspace settings
20. Refactoring server queries
21. Adding a delete functionality
22. Adding a reset invite functionality
23. Building the invite system
24. Building the members list
25. Adding workspace projects
26. Building project settings
27. Building a tasks API
28. Building a task form
29. Building data filters
30. Building a data table
31. Adding task settings
32. Building a data kanban
33. Adding a kanban update API
34. Building a data calendar
35. Adding a task page
36. Refactoring server components
37. Building project analytics
38. Building workspace analytics
39. Resolving build errors
40. Implementing OAuth login
41. Deployment



Build a Jira clone

Sample Clip

Installation Guide

Extract the files and watch with your favorite player

Subtitle : Not Available

Quality: 1080p

Download Links

Download Part 1 – 1 GB

Download Part 2 – 1 GB

Download Part 3 – 1 GB

Download Part 4 – 8 MB

Password file(s): www.abc.com

File size

3 GB

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