CerebroMix x86-x64

CerebroMix x86-x64

Published on: 2020-04-01 12:45:51

Categories: 12



CerebroMix one of the top software specialized in order to design and analysis of pressure vessels and systems mixing. Pressure vessel as per standard ASME SEC VIII to those that for the bearing pressure between 15 to 3000 pounds on the square inch, are designed. These tanks are usually of metal and alloy to form a cylindrical or spherical and are in order to carry out chemical processes, liquids or gases to go. The above mentioned standard, by the Association of Mechanical Engineers, USA, published, and every 4 year once the review is used. Apps CerebroMix in the calculation and analysis of the standards follows. Systems, the incorporation of this program into the mathematical methods of Cerebro S/A is more than 20 years from the time of its introduction, its analysis is. Program environment, simple and often get things for and stage to stage is done.

For example, entering data is very comfortable and is in a dominant few Wizard data from you is received, and finally the result of analysis is displayed. This program is capable of a variety of tanks under internal pressure and external design does. These tanks can be any type of applications including lenticular, etc., lens, cone and half cone, etc. lens, elliptical, etc. coatings spherical and welded in. shells cylindrical, etc. a variety of., the warheads for tankers, atmospheric along with butterfly and it. turbines, radial, flat and mixed, etc.  bed and ectopic or without it and etc have. The program is able to, based on the standard UBC97 pressures inflicted on the effect of wind or loads imposed by the earthquake to calculate the track. This app is able to analyze Zwick base tanks horizontal position Saddle are called, and to support the tank used is also.

Features and properties of CerebroMix:

System requirements

Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even or newer



Installation guide

File Readme.txt in the folder Crack read.

Download link

Download CerebroMix_10.1.1.198_x86-x64

Password file(s): www.abc.com

File size

38 MB

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