Published on: 2023-03-19 05:51:24
Categories: 12
CarSim is a commercial software package that predicts the performance of vehicles in response to driver control (steering, throttle, brake, clutch and transmission) in a given environment (road geometry, friction coefficients, wind). CarSim is produced and distributed by an American company. This software is used by over 30 car manufacturers (General Motors, Toyota, Honda, Ford, etc.), over 60 suppliers and over 150 research laboratories and universities. Mathematical models are created by a multi-body generator called VehicleSim (originally called AutoSim) developed by one of the founders at UMTRI. CarSim provides tools for automotive dynamics analysis, active control development, computation of vehicle performance features and next-generation active safety systems engineering.
Version 2017.1:
Read the Readme.txt file in the Crack folder. (In the crack steps, be sure to download the MSCLIC_SSQ.dat file separately from the placed FiX License, copy both MSCLIC_SSQ.dat and madlic_SSQ.dat files preferably to the root of drive C, and environment variables in the System environment section enter variables)
Selectable program licenses are visible in the images. This version also includes electric / hybrid-electric powertrains.
Version 2016.1:
Available in Readme.txt file.
CarSim 2016.1 software was successfully installed and cracked on October 30, 2015 & TruckSim 2016.1 on December 26, 2021 in Windows 10 64-bit editing. Before installing CarSim 2016.1 you need to install LabVIEW Run-Time Engine 2015 – 64-bit with download link.
Version 2017.1 has been installed and successfully activated on Windows 10 64-bit edition on March 19, 2023.
Download CarSim 2017.1 License FiX
Download LabVIEW Run-Time Engine 2015 64-bit
Download SuspensionSim 5.04b x86
748 MB
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