ATLAS.ti 24.1.1 Commercial

ATLAS.ti 24.1.1 Commercial

Published on: 2024-07-19 14:01:02

Categories: 12



ATLAS is a powerful product for qualitative research. We live in an age of information explosion. Today, the complexity of data is much greater than in the past. Scientific and research organizations, business owners and big businessmen are no longer comfortable with a few figures and figures. Nowadays, rather than visualizing data, more than visualizing the data, it requires holistic analyzes and interpretations, often referred to in the science of statistics as qualitative research. Qualitative researchers seek holistic and futuristic interpretations. In this branch of science all numerical values ​​are intertwined. This is not about individual and one-dimensional variables.

Here all the dimensions can be seen side by side. The facts in qualitative research are indivisible and cannot be summed up without a holistic view of the components. Qualitative research is sometimes referred to as a case study, with its emphasis on cases, not on different communities and examples. There are several tools for the quantitative research field, but there are few tools in the qualitative research field, one of the best in this area being the ATLAS ti software. The program is designed to systematically analyze the process of complex, unstructured data analysis. In this program, data such as text, multimedia, and geographic and spatial data are imported, and the program tries to extract structured and structured data from mass unstructured data by providing various capabilities.

Other features of this software;

This app lets you view information that you might not be able to view in the normal way with a little scrutiny. The program is able to prioritize, extract, weight and extract the data from the data beautifully through graphical techniques. This program is used by researchers in various disciplines including sociology, art, architecture, communications, criminology, economics, educational sciences, engineering, anthropological studies, management studies, marketing, quality management, and more. ATLAS ti keeps all your documents and information, including notes, audio files, images, videos, and more.

System Requirement

Supported operating systems: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.0, 8.1 or Windows 10

  Minimum * Recommended **
Disk Space 100 MB 1GB and up, depending on project sizes
  * Minimum configuration means just that: You will be able to install and run the program. You will be able to perform all basic functions and work with text and multimedia files. But please do not expect to work with large or large number of multimedia files or to run auxiliary applications in parallel. ** Bigger is better! The more available resources (especially RAM and processor power) your system has, the more comfortable and smoothly you will be able to work with ATLAS.ti. For working with multimedia material, embedded content, or running auxiliary applications we strongly recommend a solid mid- to upper-level PC system.





Installation guide

Read the Readme.txt file in the crack folder.

Version has been installed and successfully activated on Windows 10 64-bit edition on March 4, 2024.

! After installing and performing the crack steps, do not update the software in any way.

Download Links

ِDowload ATLAS.ti 24.1.1 Commercial (Cracked by DownLoadLy.iR)

ِDowload ATLAS.ti Commercial (Cracked by DownLoadLy.iR) (Tested)

Download ATLAS.ti Commercial (Cracked by DownLoadLy.iR)

Download ATLAS.ti Multilingual

Download ATLAS.ti 8.4.24 Multilingual

Password file(s): www.abc.com

File size

352 MB

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