Published on: 2024-08-29 18:44:48
Categories: 21
Advanced Uninstaller PRO is a versatile software to erase worthless Windows files of various types of applications or missing shortcuts. With this program you can remove the shortcuts that are in your Start menu that are damaged. You can also completely remove programs such as Internet Explorer or other non-Windows applications that are available in Windows. It is also possible to modify Internet Explorer, you can add custom fonts to Windows and change its configuration settings, delete programs that are not in your control panel, and other operations you want on the system Get it done easily with the help of this app.
The latest version of Advanced Uninstaller PRO has a powerful Registry cleaner that can remove your worthless Registry created by various programs. With defragmenter and optimizer tools you can optimize your system and improve it. There is also a Registry Backup that can help you back up your registry information and restore it if you get into trouble after cleaning up the registry. Temporary files are fully identified by this program and will be deleted.
OS: Windows XP • Windows XP 64 bit • Windows Vista • Windows Vista 64 bit • Windows 7 • Windows 7 64 bit • Windows 8 • Windows 8 64 bit • Windows 10 • Windows 10 64 bit
Copy the files in the Crack folder to where the program is installed.
Download Advanced_Uninstaller_PRO_13.27.0.69_Multilingual
Download Advanced_Uninstaller_PRO_13.12.0.34_Multilingual_Portable
Installed version: 12 MB
Portable Version: 28 MB
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